mardi 3 mai 2011

Charlotte Greenwood


Hated, neglected, ignored, philosophy is the ugly duckling of education. Some call it over-the-top abstraction, unnecessary, fabricated knowledge, similar to the Chinese drop torture. I love philosophy and support that it is a branch of education that has great value. 

Indeed, philosophy is an extraordinary way to find a shallower meaning to life. What makes you feel more fulfilled than conversing with whom is interested in universal concepts, harms, absurdities of our existence? It provides a breath of fresh air on an intellectual standpoint. Every step then seems lighter. Every second seems less as a continual countdown: ’’ Tick, Tack, Tick, Tack, Tick, Tack ’’, and further as a blossoming of the mind. Although it makes you realize all the misunderstandings, all the gun shots in the foot, all the mindless behaviours of our far from pure race, you, at that juncture, fly of awareness. You discover wings that were veiled; you may then jump of the cliff deprived of distress, have an unblemished sight at the scenery and enjoy gliding through your flight the way you intend to, aware that some birds will never take that chance. They will pace their way through life, feet glued to the obscure soil, the head in the sand. Ostriches. Sadly, this is a part of philosophy; standing aware that ostriches are far from approaching extinction, that imposing introspection is merely impossible. All this does not take away to philosophy. Rarity is opulence. Philosophy erupts from within and this inner volcano helps you’re true nature glide through life as lava down the mountain, aware that rocks and precipices will challenge you’re way down the path.

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Artist: Turner Title: Rain Steam Speed

Travelling Annexed To Studies: A Step Closer To Fulfilment

Travelling Annexed To Studies: A Step Closer To Fulfilment

Frequent travels should be included in the student's educational programs. Indeed, this would permit the learners expand their horizons and prevent them from staying sealed up in their traditional values. This would also help teenagers acquire socio-political, cultural and philosophical knowledge, in a more global state of mind, which will later help them make an illuminated decision concerning their life career. To continue, statistics show that students who have spent sabbatical years travelling, or who have done frequent road trips are afterwards more motivated and implicated in their field of studies.

                Sarah Park, 17 years old, science schoolgirl. She grew up in a strict family where catholic values have been taught and monitored, where freedom of thought and idea prohibited. She is talented in many things, clever and sociable. She always knew her profession would be science-related. She was a virtuous at it and knew this would assure a comfortable financial future for a family to grow. She goes through her daily routine without being quizzical. She does not know who she is, what she enjoys, if she is rambling the right path. It does not trouble her either. Her household applies pressure on her shoulders for remarkable grades, respectable behaviour and holy relationships. Is she exulted? Does her life fulfill her to its completest? Some may say she is glad in her traditional lifestyle, her locked-up schedule and far away plans. Has she really gotten the chance to see the real world? To choose? Is it fair for her to complete her parent's dreams, rather than living her life the way she would intend to? Has she been stimulated and encouraged enough in a variety of spheres to have a universal and impartial view of life and its significance?  That is the purpose for annexing travels to studies. Sarah could discover thing that she didn't even know existed, see places with dissimilar mindsets, and meet people that have contrasting lifestyles. All these things she would have never discovered in her family's barricades. And then, and only then, will she discover who she really is.

            Objectivity, independence, sense of justice, altruism, ambition, awareness, education, open-mindedness, modesty; these are only a few of the values that the upcoming generations could cultivate if travelling was an integral part of our educational system.  One of the main appraise that parents want to rub on their progenitors in knowledge and work ethic. Only, far too many of them overrate theoretical knowledge, conventional studies or hypothetical classes. What these tutors forget are all the tangible, practical, political, social, cultural and environmental knowledge that these institutional robotic students will get to acquire in explorations. How will they objectively decide which life-long career, lifestyle, place of residence, etc. to choose without having developed these – oh so important – values, awareness and practicality education? If we want an ethically correct future for generations to come, traveling annexed to studies is the solution to social infections.

mardi 26 octobre 2010


Kate Chopin and ''The Story of an Hour'' : The irony of a dumbass.

Who has never lived an ironic situation? For whom is reading ironic lines outstandingly strange? Indeed, many authors have used this rhetorical device in their work, with hope of creating pulse and style. A great example of irony is the short write up ''The Story of an Hour'' by Kate Chopin. In fact, this revolutionary author cleverly uses this figure of style throughout her text. 

The first ironic situation is the following death versus life criss-cross. The main character, Louise, suffers heart problems. Then, when her sister, wishing for a sudle, healthy reaction, announces gradually the news of Louise’s deceased husband, the sick heart makes it through without a weep. As a matter of fact, it is only when Louise learns the truth about her living spouse that she passes away. Secondly, in the center of the rising action, when the mourning woman rushes into her room to deal with her loss in peace, not only does she stay far from an anxiety attack, but she even discovers a new found freedom, and quite enjoys it! To continue, an other section of ''The Story of an Hour'' is quite interesting to analyse. This takes place when Josephine, Louise's sister, insists for her sibling to open the bedroom door, by fear that her loved one would get sick in there, by herself. Louise is not keen on that idea, but after maint requests, arises and opens the door. It is at that moment that her boyfriend arrives and she suffers a heart attack. Would she have had a heart failior if the door had been closed? This could be debated. But the fact is, Josephine, caring for Louise's health, ends up possibly causing her death. Also, at that exact moment, the truth is revealed: not only is her life partner alive, but he hadn’t even been on the scene and did not know his tragic end had been announced.

To conclude, not only are little aspects of this story ironic, but the main plot is also very surprising. It is only at a time of happiness, hope, and bright future, that Louise runs into death. She had never been happy, did not know what autonomy and selfishness was like. She had always been under this powerful hand, her husband, telling her how to live. She would have had a flourishing life, but she didn’t. This is the best example of Chopin’s brilliant irony, effectively stated and used with cleverness. Still today, this great writer inspires many to discover the subtleties and sarcasm in literature.

434 words.


My purpose in writing the text is to show how irony is present in ''The Story Of An Hour'' of Kate Chopin. I want to cite examples with precise speach, so that the readers can undertand irony better, and be able to recognize it in teh future.

I use this type of introduction : Definition (of different types of irony), because it is a type of introduction I am comfortable with, and I felt like I could get the reader's interest that way. At the beggining, you are unsure of what these words mean, and then, you realize it is different forms of irony. I thought it would be interesting...

This is a suggestion for improving the introduction or having a more effective one:

In paragraph 1, the thesis statement or the main idea of the text is... Irony is very present and well inserted in ''The Story Of An Hour'' by Kate Chopin.

This is a suggestion for improving the thesis statement or having a more effective one:

The topic sentence in -
paragragh 2 is ... There is none.
paragragh 3 is ... ''Not only are little aspects of this story ironic, but the main plot is also very surprising.''
paragraph 4 is ... There is no 4th paragraph.

The supporting points (paraphrased) I use in -
paragragh 2 are ... Three examples that show irony : 1) She does not have a heart attack when her sister announces the death, but does when she discovers her husband is alive. 2) She did not want to open the door. When her sister forces her, the man walks in, and Louise dies from the visual shock. 3) The man wasn't even on the scene, and didn't know his death had been announced.
paragraph 3 is... One final example that show irony in the general plot : When she is happy and free, for the first time in her life, she dies a very short while later.
paragraph 4 are... There is no 4th paragraph.

I can add more detail in -
paragragh 2 ... By using more precise words (ex: death, husband, sister etc.) to describe the ironical situations.
paragragh 3 ... Add more transition words, without making my text too heavy.
paragraph 4 ... There is no 4th paragraph.

The transitional words or phrases I use in -
paragragh 2 are ... Then, in fact, to continue, but the fact is, also.
paragragh 3 are ... To conclude, still today.
paragraph 4 are ... There is no 4th paragraph.

The coordinating or subordinating expressions I use in -
paragragh 2 are ... About, but, and, but, and, but...
paragragh 3 are ... But, and (3 times each).
paragraph 4 are ... There is no 4th paragraph...

Here is my suggestion for improving the conclusion

I could improve the content of the text by ... Learning more on the author, so that I can put my text in a better context , with pertinent information.

I could improve the organization of the text by ...Trying to use more diversified coordination and subordinating expressions, make my thesis statement clear, make my supporting points simple, and keep in mind the basic organization of an essay.

I could improve the development of the text by ... Adding adequate details, without loosing the main idea. I could also add facts, or statistics, or something to support my idea better.

I could improve the sentence style of the text by.. (give three sentences as examples)
1) This takes place when Josephine (Louises sister) insists for the door to be opened by fear that her loved one will get sick, alone, in her bedroom. = This takes place when Josephine, Louise's sister, insists for her sibling to open the bedroom door, by fear that her loved one would get sick in there, by herself.
2) Many authors have used this rhetoric device in their work, with hope of creating pulse and discordance. = Indeed, many authors have used this rhetorical device in their work, with hope of creating pulse and style.
3) The first ironic situation is the fact that the main character (Louise)has been known to suffer heart problems. = The first ironic situation is the following death versus life criss-cross.

I could improve the vocabulary by ... Trying to find synonyms for words that are repeated. I can try to use more precise language, and use words that are less common, but still make the text understandable.

I could improve the grammar by ... Looking for all the words I am unsure of in the dictionnary. Make sure all my verb tenses are proper, with the help of a english grammar book. I can also ask a friend for help, to help read and review my text.

I could improve the spelling by ...
(...) rhetoric device = rhetorical device.
(...) death had been announces = had been announced (typing mistake).
(...) with hope of creating pulse and discordance = find another word, because this is a french word that is unclear and unnecessary in this context.
(...)suddle = sudle.

What I liked most about my first text is...The fact that I stayed in a precise mind set and stayed very simple in the organisation, with the examples, and the short introduction and conclusion.

What I liked least about my first text is... The words that kept being repeated, the phrases that were too long or didn't exacly make sense, etc.