mardi 5 octobre 2010


2 commentaires:

  1. Lauriston
    Close reading:
    1) Because her heart is ill and they don’t want her to have a heart attack. 4/4
    2) With a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. 4/4
    3) She weeps and hugs her sister, then rushes to her room, with the desire of staying alone. 4/4
    4) She feels what real freedom is like, understands liberty, finds peace and enjoys her new found independence. She has been released from her husband’s authority. 4/4
    5) He always felt as if he was superior to her and needed to control her. 0/4
    6) Because her husband imposed his powerful will. She was living for him, under his restrictions and his beliefs. 4/4
    7) It is like if the husband had killed her. Not only her soul, but her integrity. He stole her life away from her, and that is a crime, just as bad as any other crime. 4/4
    10) This story talks a lot about death. When your ‘’hour’’ comes, it means your time has come. It means you will die. Weather it is his or her death, both of their ‘’hours’’ come up in this short story. Also, this story happens on a short period of time (about an hour). This shows that many important and lifelong choices, actions and surprises, can happen in a small amount of time. 4/4
    1) ‘’ There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air. ‘’
    2) ‘’ She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long. ‘’ 0/4
    Theme: The theme is death. 0/4

  2. Lauriston


    Weather it is verbal, dramatic or situational, irony has always been a popular style used in modern and ancient dramaturgy. Many authors have used this rhetoric device in their work, with hope of creating pulse and discordance. A great example of irony in literature is the short write up `` The Story of an Hour `` by Kate Chopin. This author cleverly uses this figure of style throughout, and examples are multiple.
    In this paragraph concerning content, organization, development and style, working on the followings: 1, 6, would improve your text.
    In this paragraph concerning grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling, working on the followings: 15 would improve your text.
    The first ironic situation is the fact that the main character (Louise)has been known to suffer heart problems. Then, when her sister announces gradually the loss of Louise’s husband, wishing for a suddle, healthy reaction, the sick heart manages. In fact, it is only when Louise learns the truth about her living husband that she dies. This death versus life criss-cross is a great example of irony. The second ironic strike is found in the center of the rising action, when the mourning woman rushes into her room to deal with her loss in peace and sadness. Not only does she not have an anxiety attack, but she enjoys her new found freedom and authonomy , and quite enjoys it. And more ironic times have yet to come! To continue, an other portion of `` The Story of an Hour`` is interesting. This takes place when Josephine (Louises sister) insists for the door to be opened by fear that her loved one will get sick, alone, in her bedroom. Louise is not keen on that idea, but after maint requests, arises and opens the door. It is at that moment that her husband arrives and she suffers a hearts attack. Would she have had a heart failior if the door had been closed? This could be debated. But the fact is, her sister, caring for her health, ends up possibly causing her death. Also, at that exact moment, another ironic feature takes place. Not only is her husband alive, but he hadn’t even been on the scene and did not know his death had been announces.
    In this paragraph concerning content, organization, development and style, working on the followings: 6 would improve your text.
    In this paragraph concerning grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling, working on the followings: 12,15 would improve your text.
    To conclude, not only are little aspects of this story ironic, but the main plot is also very surprising. It is only at a time of happiness, hope, and bright future, that Louise runs into death. She had never been happy, did not know what autonomy and selfishness was like. She had always been under this powerful hand, her husband, telling her how to live. She would have had a flourishing life, but she didn’t. This is the best example of Chopin’s brilliant irony, effectively stated and used with cleverness. Still today, this great writer inspires many to discover the subtleties and sarcasm in literature.
    448 words
    Title : yes (Even if I understand the humour in the title, does it relate to the content and style of the text being analysed?)
    Content: 18/20
    Coherence: 18/20
    Style and Syntax: 18/20
    Total 54/60

    Vocabulary: 18/20
    Grammar: 8/10
    Spelling and punct.: 8/10
    Total 34/40

    88% = 35,2/40

    (Part 1) 28 + (Part 2) 35,2 = 63,2/80
